No. XLIII/2 (2021)

“In Tepito, you have two options: die in the street or go to jail.” Collective trajectory in the study of organized crime in Mexico

“In Tepito, you have two options: die in the street or go to jail.” Collective trajectory in the study of organized crime in Mexico

Piotr Chomczyński
Uniwersytet Łódzki

Published 2023-02-15


  • collective trajectory,
  • organized crime,
  • Mexico,
  • criminology,
  • ethnography,
  • DTO

How to Cite

Chomczyński, P. (2023). “In Tepito, you have two options: die in the street or go to jail.” Collective trajectory in the study of organized crime in Mexico: “In Tepito, you have two options: die in the street or go to jail.” Collective trajectory in the study of organized crime in Mexico. Archives of Criminology, (XLIII/2), 7–37.


The aim of this article is an attempt to develop an alternative to the previous approaches to criminality, the concept of collective trajectory (CT). It explains the process of recruiting young people into Mexican drug cartels (DTOs) and in the riskiest positions (halcones, dealers, kidnappers and hitmen). Unlike deductive corrections and statistically created and verified criminological theories, collective analysis of trajectories is derived from inductively research and qualitative data collected and analyzed in a culturally different Mexico. The research is based on an ethnographic approach involving direct observation and 92 free interviews conducted among people directly cooperating with the DTO, members of communities at risk of organized crime and people with expert knowledge.


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