No. XLIII/2 (2021)

New technologies as the method of prisoners’ contact with the outside world

New technologies as the method of prisoners’ contact with the outside world

Ewa Dawidziuk
Uniwersytet SWPS
Kamila Kotowska
Biuro Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich

Published 2023-02-15


  • deprivation of liberty,
  • prisoner,
  • pre-trial detainee,
  • Covid-19,
  • penitentiary units,
  • online communicator,
  • Skype,
  • right to family life,
  • right to access public information,
  • right to information

How to Cite

Dawidziuk, E., & Kotowska, K. (2023). New technologies as the method of prisoners’ contact with the outside world: New technologies as the method of prisoners’ contact with the outside world. Archives of Criminology, (XLIII/2), 151–194.


The article describes the use of the Skype electronic communicator in maintaining contact between prisoners and their relatives. The data collected by the Office of the Polish Ombudsman shows that penitentiary units have appropriate the technical capabilities to use the discussed form of social communication. Online meetings of inmates with their families have gained particular importance during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The publication indicates the possibility of using electronic means of communication by convicts, as well as the difficulties in accessing these tools by remand prisoners. Attention was also paid to general access to websites by prisoners.


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