Publication policy
Publication Policy
of the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Academic journals
§ 15
ILS publishes several academic journals, including:
• Archwium Kryminologii [Archive of Criminology] (six-monthly);
• Contemporary Ceantral and Eastern European Law (annual);
• Polska Bibliografia Prawnicza [Polish Legal Bibliography] (annual);
• Polish Yearbook of International Law (annual);
• Studia Prawnicze [Legal Studies] (quarterly);
And publishes the following in collaboration with Wolters Kluwer Polska:
• Orzecznictwo Sądów Polskich [Polish Courts’ Case Law] (monthly);
• Anti-Discrimination Law Review (quarterly).
§ 16
The ILS PAS Board can decide to have ILS PAS publish a new academic journal on the basis of a recommendation from the ILS PAS Academic Council by endorsing the decision of the Editorial Committee and Academic Council.
§ 17
1. The ILS PAS board can decide to have ILS PAS join the publisher(s) of an existing academic journal after assessing its scholarly standing and considering its financial situation.
2. The ILS PAS board can confer ILS PAS patronage to an academic journal published by another entity.
3. The cooperative publishing agreement shall ensure that ILS PAS academic staff are involved in the editorship of the academic journal as editor-in-chief, deputy editor-in-chief or secretary of the editorial committee.
§ 18
1. Academic staff appointed by ILS PAS shall be responsible for the editorship of academic journals published by ILS PAS.
2. Administrative staff shall provide any necessary publishing and post-publishing support, especially in indexing the contents of academic journals in bibliographic and abstract/full-text databases.
§ 19
The author(s) of a work printed in an academic journal published by ILS PAS in the Open Access model recommended to the editorial staff shall license the publisher(s) to use it free-of-charge, non-exclusively, and indefinitely, by:
a) recording and proliferating: producing copies of the work using printing, reprographic, magnetic storage, and digital technologies;
b) circulating the original or copies of the recorded work (by selling, lending or renting the original or copies, through public exhibition, display [screening, projecting etc.], and by making copies publicly available so that anyone can access it whenever and wherever he/she chooses);
c) ILS, PAS sub-licensing a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Noderivatives Licence 3.0 Poland.
§ 20
ILS PAS recommends including academic journals, and external reviewers, preferably with affiliations in other countries, on the Academic Council in order to internationalise its academic journals and the papers published in them.
§ 21
The editorial staff of journals published by ILS PAS shall apply the following mandatory international editorial standards in order to ensure a high journal ranking, as per the criteria laid down by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, and in accordance with the recommendations of international reference-bibliographic databases,:
a) having information about the reference version of the journal (hardcopy or electronic) placed in the editorial charter each time;
b) having a list of reviewers of articles, whether published or not, published at least once a year; the list should additionally be available on the journal’s website;
c) having bibliographical data placed on the first page of the article to clearly identify the journal in which it appears; this should contain the title of the journal, yearbook, volume, notebook, page numbers, number of publishing sheets, and the DOI and ORCID codes.
d) ensuring that articles have descriptive titles;
e) providing the author’s details, i.e. full name, academic degree(s), affiliations and contact details (preferably e-mail address);
f) providing information on the sources of financing the research whose findings are presented in the article;
g) adding an abstract in the language of the article and in English;
h) adding a summary in the language of the article and in English;
i) ensuring that annotations containing bibliographical data comply with the applicable editorial guidelines, which prohibit the use of acronyms (with or without explanations) in place of the full title of a cited journal in the bibliographical description, although the DOI code of the cited work should be placed there if possible;
j) ensuring that transliterations of bibliographical data of publications not written with the Latin alphabet comply with ISO standards;
k) ensuring that headings are informative;
l) ensuring that only publications cited in annotations are placed in end-of-book bibliographies;
m) having at least five key words in Polish and English (possibly in another conference language appropriate to that of the article) as per the mandatory index in the PAN Legal Bibliography.
§ 22
1. Any journal published or co-published by ILS PAS or published under its patronage is required to maintain a current website (and an English version), which has the contact details of the author and the editorial staff, and where possible, a platform to manage the publication of journals online with the Open Journal System (OJS) or some other open-source with the same functionality.
2. The assistant editor is responsible for ensuring that the information on the journal’s website is timely, accurate and complete, and in the case of Open Access journals, that the searchable files of the individual articles, together with their metadata, are similarly maintained.
§ 23
The editorial staff shall describe the following obligatory procedures in detail on the journal’s website (and optionally in the printed journal):
a) procedures for submitting academic articles for publication, together with the publishing requirements and editorial instructions;
b) procedures for review; ILS PAS recommends double-blind reviews;
c) procedures to protect against ghostwriting;
d) an ethical code of conduct (in Polish and English should the editorial staff allow for the possibility of having works published in a language other than Polish) containing information about the procedures to be followed in the event of unethical behaviour on the part of authors or reviewers.
§ 24
A journal published or co-published by ILS PAS or published under its patronage cannot publish subsequent issues with a delay of more than a quarter.
§ 25
Combined issues of an academic journal published or co-published by ILS PAS or published under its patronage can only be published sporadically in the case of monthly journals.
§ 26
The archives of journals published or co-published by ILS PAS or published under its patronage are available in ILS PAS institutional e-repository.
§ 27
1. In order to safeguard the prestige of journals and ensure that the articles published in them are cited academically, their editorial staff are required to index their contents in the following bibliographical and full-text databases:
• CEEOL Central and Eastern European Online Library;
• CEJSH Central and Eastern Europe Online Library;
• ESCI Emerging Sources Citation Index;
• POL-index.
2. In addition, Open Access journals should be indexed in the PAS Journal Reading Room and the DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals.
3. ILS PAS further recommends including the following databases in a journal indexing strategy:
• GoogleScholar;
• Index Copernicus.
4. Searchable files of articles (but not the entire journal) not exceeding 5 MB should be placed in full-text databases in native format and named according to the schema “author_title_DOI” in order to improve automatic searchability.
5. The National Library (CBN Polona) provides permanent archiving of the digital content of the scientific journals.
§ 28
ILS PAS requires that editors endeavour to have journals placed on List A, as per the Ministry of Science and Higher Education assessment, by having them indexed in one of the following reference databases: Social Science Citation Index, Journal Citation Reports, JSTOR, Scopus and Web of Science.
§ 29
Journal editorial staff shall submit a report on the state of implementing publishing policy and the results they have achieved to the Board by 31 December every year. Measurable indicators of results should be compared with those reported in the previous year and with those achieved by at least one competing journal.
§ 30
The ILS PAS Board, in consultation with journal co-publishers, can introduce a uniform visual identification for periodicals published with the ILS PAS imprint or under its patronage.