No. XLV/2 (2023)

Theoretical framework for an analysis of the recent criminal law reforms in Poland

Teoretyczne ramy analizy ostatnich reform prawa karnego w Polsce

Jarosław Utrat-Milecki
Uniwersytet Warszawski

Published 2023-12-31


  • punishment as a legal and social institution,
  • processual nature of punishment,
  • the potentiality of punishment,
  • enforceability of punishment,
  • penal denial

How to Cite

Utrat-Milecki, J. (2023). Theoretical framework for an analysis of the recent criminal law reforms in Poland: Teoretyczne ramy analizy ostatnich reform prawa karnego w Polsce. Archives of Criminology, (XLV/2), 213–242.


In the article, I analyse certain aspects of recent criminal law reforms in Poland from the perspective of criminal punishment being a complex legal and social institution of a processual nature. It is intended to enable a critical examination of the punitiveness of the penal system, which can hardly be explained by its effectiveness or even by penal populism. In the study I use the following methods: historical legal, comparative legal, formal logical, dialectical, analytical, synthetical and inductive/deductive. The synthesis and triangulation of the methods follow the principles of culturally integrated social and legal studies (Królikowska, Utrat-Milecki 2010).


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