No. XXVIII (2006)

Crime and Deviant Behaviour of Contemporary Polish Youth (Self-report Study)

Anna Kossowska
Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Department of Criminology

Published 2006-01-29


  • juvenile delinquency,
  • deviant behaviour,
  • polish youth,
  • offences,
  • violent

How to Cite

Kossowska, A. (2006). Crime and Deviant Behaviour of Contemporary Polish Youth (Self-report Study). Archives of Criminology, (XXVIII), 219–226.


The latest self-report delinquency study took place in school year 2002/2003 on a national random school sample of 13-16 years old young people. The size of the sample was 3857 persons. The questionnaire contained questions on problem behaviour and offending (property offences, violent offences against persons and objects, computer-related offences, drugs use and selling) as well as questions on school and family situation, friends, leisure time and attitudes.


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