The article is an attempt to systematise the attitudes of the state towards the problem of family violence. The author distinguishes three models of counteraction against the phenomenon and indicates the sources of international law and the social conditions which influence the development of protection against family violence. MonikaPłatek points out that the problem is closely related to violence against women, which is supported by statistics on victims of family violence and the historical development of instruments of family protection. The author discusses the social framework in which the role of men was traditionally exceptional and prominent. A man had the right to manage his family, its property, and all aspects of life in an arbitrary way, often using violence, which was, as a tradition, somehow ordinary and out of the jurisdiction of the state. Later in the article, Płatek lists the most important international sources of family protection. The legal acts mentioned distinguish family violence as a negative phenomenon and oblige the signatory states to provide special protection to the family, abandon the passive attitude towards the violence, and in a way force social changes in this area. Further in the study, the author points to the models of family protection and offers a description of them. In conclusion, Płatek diagnoses the problem of combating family violence, which is not based on the adoption of a specific model of family protection, but on the will (or often lack thereof) to fight the problem.
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