No. XXIX-XXX (2008)

Violence against Women and Police Responses in an International Perspective

Beata Gruszczyńska
University of Warsaw

Published 2008-04-01


  • International Violence against Women Survey,
  • IVAWS,
  • violence against women,
  • violence,
  • women,
  • police

How to Cite

Gruszczyńska, B. (2008). Violence against Women and Police Responses in an International Perspective. Archives of Criminology, (XXIX-XXX), 99–112.


This article presents an in-depth analysis of the international study on violence against women (IVAWS), conducted in 2003 in the following countries: Australia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Costa Rica, Poland, and Switzerland. The author points out that several countries participated in the study, but only the above-mentioned countries completed the survey and provided data for comparative analysis. The publication presents the techniques of conducting the survey and briefly lists the items included in the questionnaire: violence perpetrated by a partner, violence perpetrated by another man, assessment of the police response, reasons for not notifying the authorities about violence, characteristics of the partner, and sociodemographic information. The article indicates the difficulty in making a comparative analysis of the results, which is due to marked social and cultural differences between the countries. The article contains detailed numerical data on physical and sexual violence in the countries included in the study and an analysis of the findings. The author notes a regularity that sexual violence is more often perpetrated by other men than by partners. In the next part of the paper, the findings on the reporting of violence and on police reactions are presented. The text specifies which violent behaviours were reported to the police, why the victims did not report the crime, what was the reaction of the officers was, and what actions were taken by them. According to Gruszczyńska, such information constitutes valuable material which presents the work of the police, and at the same time highlights the problem of the secondary victimisation to which victimised women are subjected. On the basis of the Polish research, a profile of women who most often decide to report crimes was also drafted. The article assesses the reactions of the police and the justice system: it examines how the actions taken by the state authorities are perceived by women who are victims of violence. Moreover, the article outlines the reasons why the victims do not report the acts of violence they have experienced to the police. The author also points out the low percentage of women who decide to contact the help and support centres. In conclusion, little support for women experiencing male violence is identified among the societies where the research was conducted. The author also encourages actionin building strategies to prevent violence against women in all the countries discussed in the text.


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