- Radzinowicz,
- Radzinowicz and Polish criminology,
- Radzinowicz in Poland,
- Rabinowicz aka Radzinowicz,
- Adventures in Criminology
Hardly anything is known about the background and family of Sir Leon Radzinowicz or about his period of intensive academic activity in Poland between 1929 and 1938. Moreover, in his academic autobiography, entitled Adventures in Criminology, Radzinowicz is imprecise about details. This concerns both the dates of various events, notably that of his obtaining a doctoral diploma from the Jagiellonian University (Kraków, Poland) and his arriving in Poland from Geneva, and the names of various people cropping up in his biography. Similarly, the interesting works of Radzinowicz (until 1935, Rabinowicz) from his ‘Polish period’ are hardly known worldwide outside of a narrow circle.
- Archiwum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, S II 523, The rigorosum doctoral exam of Leon Rabinowicz. Archiwum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, WP II 86, Protokoły posiedzeń Rady Wydziału Prawa z lat 1927–1939 [Minutes from the session of the Council of the Faculty of Law 1927–1939].
- Hamel G.A. van, L’anthropologie criminelle et les dogmes du droit penal [in:] G. Amadei [et al.], L’opera di Cesare Lombroso nella scienza e nelle sue applicazioni, Fratelli Bocca, Milano–Torino–Roma 1908, pp. 265–273.
- Hood R., Leon Radzinowicz 1906–1999, “Proceedings of British Academy” 2001, no. 111, pp. 637–655.
- Kempa A., Szukalak M., Żydzi w dawnej Łodzi. Słownik biograficzny Żydów łódzkich i z Łodzią związanych [Jews in Old Łódź. A Biographical Encyclopedia of Jews from Łódź and Those with Ties to Łódź], vol. 3, Oficyna Bibliofilów, Łódź 2003.
- Krajewski K., Recenzja: Leon Radzinowicz, Adventures in Criminology, Londyn–Nowy Jork 1999 [Review: Leon Radzinowicz, Adventures in Criminology, Londyn–Nowy Jork 1999], “Państwo i Prawo” 2000, no. 6, pp. 88–92.
- Kraśko N., Poznań a początki socjologii w Polsce [Poznań and the beginnings of sociology in Poland], “Nauka” 2011, no. 1, pp. 17–31.
- McConville S., Review of Adventures in Criminology, by Sir Leon Radzinowicz, “Law Quarterly Review” 1999, no. 115, pp. 506–512.
- Rabinowicz L., Mesures de sûreté. Ėtude de politique criminelle, Librairie des Sciences Politiques et Sociales, Paris 1929.
- Rabinowicz L., Współczesna ewolucja antropologii kryminalnej [The Modern Evolution of Criminal Anthropology], Biblioteka Prawnicza, Warszawa 1934.
- Radzinowicz L., Adventures in Criminology, Routledge, London–New York 1999. Szkoły Wyższe Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej [Schools of Higher Education in the Republic of Poland], 2nd ed., Wydawnictwo Kasy im. J. Mianowskiego. Instytut Popierania Nauki, Warszawa 1930.
- Ravo N., Leon Radzinowicz, 93, Leader in Criminology, The New York Times, 10.01.2000, [access: 25.08.2019].
- Widacki J., Działek E., Poglądy kryminologiczne Leona Wachholza [Leon Wachholz’s views on criminology] [in:] J. Widacki (ed.), Leon Wachholz, Polska Akademia Umiejętności, Kraków 2019, pp. 41–48.